To advance relationships between key stakeholders (academia, industry, government to general public) within the synthetic biology community between all levels of organisation, from student to politician, from professor to public.
At SynbioNL we believe that synthetic biology is the future of human progress. The Netherlands is ripe for a platform that can foster collaboration between different stakeholders, in order to achieve:
Representation in the global landscape
Advance synbio-technology
Encourage discourse within the public and political spheres
Thanks for attending
It was a pleasure to have you as part of our enthusiastic audience where we had the opportunity to listen to the story and personal career of people from both academia and industry.
Let’s stay connected! Join our SLACK platform and help us build a community for SynBioNLers!
Listen to our podcast!
Our executive members Darshak Bhatt and Marjolein Crooijmans started a podcast where they met the iGEM members of different Dutch teams this year. You can listen to them and their different innovative and creative projects in Spotify clicking below!
Read about the landscape of Synthetic Biology in the Netherlands
A SynBio community comes of age: Political, academical, industrial, and societal developments in the Netherlands
Synthetic biology (SynBio) is a rapidly growing scientific discipline. In the Netherlands, various universities and companies are tackling a variety of opportunities and challenges within this field. In this perspective article, we review the current synthetic biology landscape in the Netherlands across academia, industry, politics, and society. Mostly supported by governmental funding, academic research is focusing on top-down synthetic biology.
The recently founded Dutch synthetic biology association SynBioNL aims to contribute to realizing a positive impact on society by stimulating advances of the field in the Netherlands and beyond. Do you want to know more? Read the full article in the link!
Follow us on social media to stay informed about interesting meetings about SynBio in the Netherlands!